Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan

Welcome to the crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan Site

Please click here or on the tab above to view the crowhurst neighbourhood plan and associated documents that were adopted by Rother District Council on the 8th July 2019

Following the referendum, the Neighbourhood Plan process passed over to the Parish Council. This does not mean the work is over. Fulfilling the aims of our Neighbourhood Plan is an ongoing project so your continued support is both needed and welcomed.

All future decisions on the Plan will first need to go before the council prior to any action being taken. To move forward, a working group called the 'Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan Advisory and Monitoring Group' has been set up to ensure that the principles of the Plan are followed.

We would love interested residents to be a part of this important group - if you would like to be involved please read the terms of reference HERE and then get in touch.