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NEW Tennis Court & Multi-Use-Games-Area (MUGA)

Crowhurst is delighted to announce a new Multi Use Games Area and refurbished tennis court thanks to a National Lottery award of £19,992 from The National Lottery Community Fund with a big thank you to National Lottery players.

This will be matched with a grant from the Rother Community Grant Fund, up to £19,250. As many of you will know, the old Tennis Court at the Rec had become neglected and unfit for use in recent years. In November 2023, a village wide survey was carried out which showed 100% of responses were in favour of the renovation and creation of a multi-use games area. As a result, the Parish Council applied for funds to renovate the tennis court and install new, stronger fencing, to create a new community multi use games area, fully equipped for a wide range of sports and activities.

The new facilities will be unveiled on Saturday 7th September from 12-4pm with a BBQ and 'have a go' sessions. Come and try basketball, netball, pickleball or 5-a-side football as well as tennis on the new & improved court.

posted on 25/07/2024

Crowhurst Community Map Officially Unveiled

The Crowhurst Community Map was officially unveiled by District Councillor Chas Pearce at a celebratory event on Thursday 11th July in the station car park, followed by a delicious tea at the Christian Healing Centre. The weather allowed for it to be held outside, and a lovely afternoon was enjoyed by all.

District Councillor Chas Pearce kindly agreed to formally cut the ribbon for the launch (see photo). All those who contributed, whether involved in fund-raising, designing or making the artwork and frame for the Community Map were invited to attend. They included:

Cllr Chas Pearce, Rother District Council, Cllr Sonia Plato, Crowhurst Parish Council, Andy Pope and colleagues (Community Rail Partnership), Emily Johns, Audrey Koop and Ben Wood.

The Community Map Project was funded by a Community Rail Development Fund (CRDF) Grant, Rother District Council Community Grants Scheme and a grant from Crowhurst Parish Council. The map is a unique work of art as well as being informative for local residents and visitors alike who will all enjoy reading the map and visiting the various points of interest.

posted on 18/07/2024

**Please note that representatives from Rother District Council will be making a presentation on the Local Plan and how you can comment on proposals at the Parish Council meeting taking place on Monday 20th May at 7.30pm. There will be also be a short Q & A session**

Draft Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 – Public Consultation – 30th April 2024 to 23rd July 2024

Public Consultation under Regulation 18 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended)

12 weeks public consultation period: 30th April – 23rd July 2024

Rother District Council has published its draft new Local Plan for public consultation. The new Local Plan will guide development and land use in our district over the period 2020 – 2040. We want to work with our communities to shape Rother’s future and we are seeking your views. The consultation will run from 5pm on Tuesday 30th April to 5pm on Tuesday 23rd July 2024. The comments made at this stage will be important in shaping the Local Plan as it is further developed into the Proposed Submission Plan next year, before the final version is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination and adoption by the Council. When adopted, the Plan’s policies will be used to determine planning applications throughout Rother district.

Please accept this formal notification of the draft Rother Local Plan 2020-2040, and an invitation to make representations under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

How to participate

The Draft Local Plan and its supporting evidence base documents can be found on the Draft Local Plan webpage on the Council's website. The easiest way to make comments on the Local Plan, and its key supporting documents, is through the consultation webpage.

We are also accepting comments by email or post using the consultation form, which can be found on our website.

Hard Copies Available

Hard copies of the Draft Local Plan can be viewed at a number of locations including the Council Offices, libraries and community libraries. Paper copies of the consultation form can also be obtained from these locations. Please visit our Draft Local Plan webpage for a full list of locations and their opening hours.

Public Exhibitions

In addition, we will be holding the number of public exhibitions around the district to promote the draft Local Plan. Please come along to talk to Council officers and find out more. Please visit our Draft Local Plan webpage for a list of exhibitions.

We hope you will take this opportunity to view and comment on the draft Rother Local Plan and help to shape the district’s future. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at: [email protected] or by telephone on 01424 787668.

Yours faithfully, The Planning Policy Team

posted on 07/05/2024

Crowhurst Neighbourhood Development Plan (Reviewed) Reg14 Consultation

The Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan has been reviewed and is now going through its Regulation 14 Consultation.

This will last from Mon 13th November 2023 until Friday 12th January 2024.

Comments on the review are welcomed. The documents are available to view under the "Current Review" tab of the "Neighbourhood Plan" section of this website.

There will also be public events on:

Friday 24th November, 9.00am – 11.30am at St Georges Church (at the coffee shop)

Sat 2nd December, 10.00am-1.00pm at the Village Hall (during and after Village Market)

Sun 10th December, 12.00noon – 4pm at the Village Hall (during the Warmer Crowhurst session)

posted on 12/11/2023

In the event of a prolonged power outage, water shortage, unprecedented flooding or other emergency in the village, the Emergency & Resilience Plan has been updated as of September 2023. Wardens who have agreed to be responsible for certain areas in the village can be contacted to help vulnerable residents or co-ordinate necessary actions.

In the event of needing to contact your Warden, please contact the clerk, Gilly Lowe, on 01424 830331, by email on [email protected] or on her mobile on 07854 978323. Gilly does not live in Crowhurst and therefore may be best placed to help in the event of a localised problem. The Chairman of the parish council, Cllr Geoff Thomas, will also hold the details of how to contact your Warden and he can be reached by email on [email protected] or on his moibile 07970 764192.

It may be wise to make a note of these numbers ready to access in the event of an emergency.

posted on 04/09/2023

East Sussex Flexi Bus Service

Full details are on the ESCC website at:

Summary is:

Journeys can be made to and from anywhere in Zone 8 (Crowhurst, Henleys Down, parts of Bexhill, Hooe Common) or to and from key destinations outside of the zone including:

Conquest Hospital

Bexhill Hospital

Tesco Extra at Church Wood

Ravenside Shopping Centre

Bexhill Town Centre and Train Station

Battle - Train Station, Town Centre and Jempsons


Operates 7am to 7pm Mon to Sat

Book up to 7 days in advance to min 30min beforehand via the Ride Pingo App or by calling 01273 078203.

Single fare currently costs £2. Can pay by card when booking or cash only on bus. Concessionary bus passes are accepted.

If you have a visual impairment or mobility limitations and use a frame, walking stick or crutches, you can use the ‘mobility assistance’ option in the app or through the call centre. Wheelchair spaces can also be booked but mobility scooters cannot be taken.

posted on 18/06/2023

Crowhurst Parish Council

Old School House, Brightling, Robertsbridge, TN32 5HH

Tel: 01424 830331