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Accounts and Budgets

Council meets in November each year to consider the budget for the following year. Accounts are published in the Local Council Annual Return on a Receipts and Payments basis and are also reported to Council on an Income and Expenditure basis.

In early November Council meet to set the budget for the coming year. This is arrived at by examining each budget item with great care, analysing and adjusting as necessary before setting the budget for the following year. This process takes into account the Parish Action Plan, inflationary increases and any known or anticipated expenditure.

The budgeted income and expenditure for the year plus any required increase or decrease in reserves needed to cover expenditure on future projects forms the level of the Annual Precept. The Precept is part of your Council Tax and can be found on your householders Council Tax bill.

Our Accounts show you the level of the Precept for the year plus any other income and how we have spent that money or retained it in reserve for future projects.

Salaries & Pay Multiple

The Local Government Transparency Code requires local authorities to publish details (including job descriptions, responsibilities, budgets and staff numbers) of any senior employees earning over £50,000 per annum.

Crowhurst Parish Council has no staff member earning over £50,000 per annum.

Expenditure over £500

The Local Government Transparency Code requires local authorities to publish details of individual items of expenditure above £500, on a quarterly basis. Click below for recent payments.